Keep it short, sweet and to the point.
Hi! My name is [NAME] and I’m a coach for Special Olympics Minnesota. I coach a team of athletes with intellectual disabilities, and it’s one of the most fulfilling things I’m involved in. I’m looking for passionate people to join our team as a coach or team assistant. Coaches play an indispensable role in Special Olympics Minnesota, and getting involved with the organization can be a life-changing experience for both you and the athletes.
The ideal coach isn’t necessarily an all-star athlete. In fact, the requirements to be a Special Olympics Minnesota coach are simple: have a big heart and enjoy having a good time. Plus we have a great network of people at Special Olympics and on our team who will help you along the way!
If being a coach still seems like too much responsibility, you can volunteer as a team assistant. This is a great way to help out at practices without the responsibility of leading the team. Honestly, if you want to get involved in any capacity, we’ll find a place for you!
I love having the opportunity to make a difference in my athletes’ lives, but believe me, I get way more out of it than they do. Once you try it, you’ll be hooked!
Can I give you more information on how you can get involved with our team?
Leave them with a takeaway, like a website address, business card or flyer.